Spring is right around the corner. And if you’re like most people, those harsh winter months left your lawn in need of a little TLC.
The spring season is the perfect opportunity to use your skills to cultivate the ideal piece of grassy paradise you’ve always wanted. Are you looking to discover the most useful spring lawn care tips for 2020?
Then you’ve come to the right place! Keep reading to learn how you can make your lawn stand out from the rest of the crowd.
Start With A Rake
When starting out on your lawn restoration, the first thing you should do is break out your rake. Use the rake to remove any debris and thatch that may be suffocating your lawn after the winter months.
This will not only be removing places for pests and disease to grow but it will also give you a clear picture of the overall health of your lawn.
Test Your Soil
If your soil is in bad shape, it can prevent your lawn from having healthy new growth. Your soil needs to have a balanced pH level, and this will vary slightly depending on the type of grass.
Once you have tested your soil, you can adjust the pH level by either adding sulfate or lime with a spreader depending on what your results were.
Get Rid Of Weeds
We all know the frustration of those pesky weeds. And although you may have tried to get rid of them all last fall, there may have been some that survived. Spring is a great time to wage your war against the weeds before they begin to flourish in the warmer months.
If you decide to treat for weeds. remember to only do a light application so that you don’t damage any new growth on your lawn.
Care For Bare Spots
Once your lawn starts to come back to life, you may begin to notice some spots that look bare. This can easily be fixed by removing any dead grass, leveling out the soil, and flushing it with water.
Then, reseed the area and water regularly until you see new growth.
Water, Water, Water
It’s no hidden secret that your lawn needs water. Water is essential to new growth and keeping your lawn bright green and healthy. But sometimes, watering the lawn can seem like a chore.
Consider opting for an irrigation system that will do the hard work for you. These systems allow you to sit back and relax while your lawn stays hydrated.
Managing Spring Lawn Care
Spring lawn care is essential for reviving your lawn after the winter and creating a healthy-looking lawn that will last you throughout the year. Lawns can have a large effect on the value of your home.
And who doesn’t loving pulling up to a bright green healthy patch of grass every day? Follow the above-listed tips to have your lawn looking it’s best in no time.
And for all your Houston landscaping needs, be sure to contact us!